Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2.7lbs to GO!!!!!

Well I know a Few of my blog readers have been thinking "Did she blow away" Hehe lol no not yet.

 But I'm now down 10.8lbs and that was at my 8 week check in at WW!! YES I lost 1.35lbs a week to get technical about it :) but Not really some weeks I gained but in the end that makes up to somewhere around 1.35lbs a week I'll Take that any day!!

Here is a Picture of my Log that I keep for when I go to my meetings And it's So Much fun!!!

I've been BIG my whole life and it's Not Healthy!! None whats so ever!! But That's why I'm trying now to be a whole new Healthy person!!

                                I Love this Photo I found online Such truth in these words!
                       I've Got 2.7lbs left until I meet my 5% goal weight !!! I'm So Happy!!!!!

                            I Can't Believe I've Lost 2 of these NOT just 1 BUT 2!!! AHHHHHH
                  Once I meet My 5% goal I Have a 10% goal and that is only 16.2 lbs away!!

Oh and another thing I'm so proud of myself because we had a birthday party we went to this past week and also went over to our Best friends house for a cookout and Monday we had a get together at my parents and Had fried fish and chicken and homemade Ice cream so After all that I lost 1.8lbs!!!! yes!!     Thank the Lord

Well Until Next Time I'm Blogged out!! Lots of Love  Jamie Sue!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On the Scales!

Hello to all my Fellow Blog readers! I Know Everyone is waiting in anticipation on hearing how much  weight I've lost.  But First  Let me say...... this Past week has been a Bit of a struggle for me...BUT...... A good Struggle!

 I Managed to Lose weight Even though Last week We Ordered Papa Johns one night Then ate  Hibachi Express another night, Then Applebees (Their WW Friendly though). We Even Had Bojangles Sunday for Lunch  that was a  BAD Move!! they have nothing that is Low in points except salad but I'm not a Rabbit I want REAL food!!!! (BUT KEEP IN MIND I WATCHED MY POINTS !!!!!) I didn't over eat! and I still had all the Things I LOVE Just Not as much! Which Wasn't bad because I was Satisfied

 So Anyway I managed to whip up a few recipes this past week!!
It's suppose to be Called "Crock Pot Beer Chicken"
 But I cooked it in the Oven Instead

  I started off with 2 BIG boneless skinless chicken breast and cut them in 3rds. Then I added this McCormick Seasoning called Chicken Marsala and Added some Cajun Seasoning I rubbed the Mixture all over the Chicken.I then Added a BEER Yes you heard me Right a beer (12oz) and all the Alcohol Cooks out for some of you who don't Know. I then Added some Fresh Mushrooms. Yum!  I covered with  Aluminum foil and cooked it on 300' for 3-4 Hours. The Finish out come was SO Good! and it was only   3 + Points !!! per serving that's One chicken Breast (4oz) And I get 43 + points a day to eat!

We had Snow Crab legs for Sunday  Dinner!! and it was So Good!.. My Whole Plate was Only 15+ points!

Seafood is really low in Points which is Good Cause I love Seafood (Broiled Or steamed is Best though)

So Here Is a Picture Of me Today !! I LOST 4.8lbs!!! YES!!!
                                                    LOST 4.8LBS!!! 1st WEEK!!

Well It is possible to  lose weight!    Some people say, Oh I just can't Do it, But LISTEN!  you CAN!!

 If I can anyone else can!!...... No excuse's!!
         I don't want to hear it! Because YOU Can!!!  If you can't exercise that's OK

 I only exercised 1 time last week! If you don't do anything but sit in a chair and lift some small weights.

 You can do something.... THAT'S if you really want to!  THINK ON THAT!

Well Until Next Time I'm Blogged out!! Lots of Love  Jamie Sue!

Friday, July 20, 2012

WW to the Resecue!! I've got a new Attitude

So as many of you know I'm Morbidly Obese I say it like that because everyone sugar coats things like "Oh you just have extra to love"! Or my Favorite one "Your Not Fat your Fluffy" Psshh I'm sure you wouldn't say that if it was you in this boat or shall I say SHIP! No let me stop!!. Tuesday  I decided it was time to take matters in my own Hands well when it comes to my weight that is! :) 

Tuesday July 17th 2012 I wanted a change for myself a whole new Jamie Inside and out! I walked in at a Weight Watchers Meeting! And yes it was a step for me because I have to change my eating habits, thinking habits, and seeing things in a whole new prospective! Like for example food can be healthy and taste good and you can eat and be satisfied by eating a lot less Key to success is to "Plan Ahead" and don't have things in the house that are bad for you always have Healthy things sitting around!!!!

 This goes for Spiritually Speaking as well! what we take in our bodies and what we see and hear make a difference! If we eat unhealthy it will show, our Bodies are a Temple and were suppose to take care of them not beat them up!! or harm them.!! Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own 1 Corinthians 6:19....

So do you want to hurt or destroy something God Has given you! Well I'm sure somewhere along the line some of us have or MOST of us Have done stuff to hurt our bodies in some way.OVER EATTING!! Smoking,Drinking,Drugs  ect.

I go back to my meeting on Tuesday and I'm really excited because I've been peeking at the scales here at home but I know there not always correct. So I'm trying to not get to excited. I tried doing this on my own for awhile and lost 32lbs "HAND CLAP" Thanks I patted myself on the shoulder LOL

This Picture is a full body Picture of a few weeks before I started WW

I Sure Can't wait until I meet My 5% goal !! well see how far I am when I go Tuesday and I'll let everyone know. But above and Beyond the weight Loss and everything else I WANT TO BE HEALTHY!! And Plus We've been talking about having a 5 year Anniversary Wedding Exciting Right?? it maybe 6 years though Who knows only God Knows.

Well Until Next Time I'm Blogged out!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gluttony seems to be a sin that Christians like to ignore

You Know this is a subject that's touchy for a lot of people... for this reason being FOOD IS GREAT!!! But where is the cut off Point?

Do you know when to stop?

Or do you even know what full is?

Do you eat until your about to Burst?

Do you ever say "whoooaaa I ate too Much"?

Well Sadly but true your a SINNER, and So am I !!! Wow who would have thought?? well life isnt always beautiful and the grass isnt always greener on the other side of the Fence! I'm not perfect!! I make Mistakes but hey Who doesnt I like a glass of wine every now and then But does that make me a drunk? NO Because I'm not a glutton!

I have had this topic on me heart a lot lately because I feel that I'm not the only one out there with this problem. But If I'm the only Southren girl out there that is overweight / or Overeats at times well darn B wally I'm fine with it! Atleast I have ammited to this! RIGHT!

WELL I'M BACK!!! & Focused on ME!!!!........ I don't mean to leave "Big Guy" (my Husband) out of the Picture but if he don't jump on the Band Wagon with me........well lets just say he may starve cause I'm tired of these bad and nasty EATTING Habbits!.

I'm very proud of myself. I've Keep my Weight under control!!!......well I guess you can say some what. I weighed in this morning and the Scale said.........Drum Roll Please !!...... (270lbs) Eehhh Not good but not bad either!..... well I should have no excuess I dont care? If I leave some slack for myself to say it's ok I want get to far!!.. That's like patting myself on the back when I gain a Pound well no it's not ok
My mom used to always tell me its ok you can eat a little bit and it want hurt!! PSSSSHHHH Yeah!! Food to me is like Crack to a Crack Head They just can't get enough? LOL :)

Well I'm Going to start Posting new and Exciting Recipes!! Here is one I love

Chicken Salsa!!!

This is one easy recipe! Just put it on and go about your business. Great to serve in a variety of ways. I like to shred and cool slightly, then use it in a salad. You could also add corn and black beans and serve as a complete meal.

4 Chicken Breasts (boneless, skinless, frozen)
16oz. jar Pace Chunky Salsa (Mild)

Spray inside of crock pot with non-stick cooking spray. Place frozen chicken breasts in pot. Pour salsa over. Put top on and cook on high for 6-8 hours or on low for 10-12 hours. (Time may vary per crock pot, check at minimum time.)


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Moving Forward!

Were do I begin??!!

Well We finally got setteled in the New place still have a few odd and end things here and there but as far as that goes everything is going pretty good......

I managed to Keep my weight under control also I even lost a few more pounds ......Which I Was kinda supprised considering all the fast food we have ate Just because if you've moved before you know how easy it is to just get dinner to go or Pick up a Pizza and so forth

My sister had her sweet little baby boy on March 9 2011

Well I will TRY to keep everyone updated!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

At a Stand Still

Well for the last week I've been slacking on exercise ........But I'm going to get on the ball I've keeping the weight off too! I weighed this morning and the Scales said 266.8 and all of my rings are getting Loose I even had My thumb ring fall off while I was sleeping (My husbands extra wedding band) (He lost it and we bought him another one and then we found it so I wear it on my thumb) well a few weeks ago it said 266.6 I said is this a good or bad sign? ......Tomorrow I'll hopefully feel better I've been sick since Sunday :(

Saturday my husbands Aunt's Little girl passed away from an unknown Illness which was unexpected she was only 2 years and 10 months Old. when she was born she had a hole in her heart and she had surgery to fix that she alos had Gastroschisis (where the intestans grow out of the stomach) Which was also Fixed By surgey "she was a social butterfly" as her mom would say

R.I.P Rosa Ellen Langley 1/29/2011

Well I better get to feeling better soon because we have a baby shower to throw this weekend! For My sister Ginger I'm so excited and I hope we have a good turn out! Wish us Luck!

P.S I'll post more pics of me soon enough!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Beginnings

~ Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. ~

Where Do I begin .......... Well first off I've just started this new way of living........I try to exercise every Day but that doesn't always happen you know how that can go some times.....I've cut way back on my eating I try to measure or check the fat, calories, and sugar (ect.) you get the point........

I've been walking 2 miles a day for a few days now and also have been doing a few other exercises (sit ups, jump rope, ridding my bike
outside) I love these outdoor exercises (when the weather is nice though) ..........

A good friend of Mine said I should start a Photo Journal of
my weight loss so hear it goes

This is when I was at my BIGGEST EVER...303lbs.... INSANE I KNOW !!
Dates wrong by the way

Today My Current weight is 267lbs

I went to the Doctor at the Beginning of Dec. 2010 and weighed 280lbs.

I've been big my whole life but never this BIG!! My goal is to get to 170lbs which I know is VERY possible

When I went to the Doctor back in Dec. they Diagnosed me with Type 2 Diabetes and they told me that I can get rid of it by weight loss and I also have PCOS (I've know I had this for about 2 1/2 years) For many of you who don't know what this is it's
one of the most common female endocrine disorders affecting approximately 5%-10% of women of reproductive age (12-45years old) and was once thought erroneously to be one of the leading causes of infertility.. It's where I don't Ovulate. And this also can be cured by losing weight I also want to be Healthy and one day when that Positive Pregnancy test comes back I will be one Happy Mommy to be as well as the Daddy to be.

Even if I never Conceive we will consider adoption which we've had that chance already with my husbands brother who is incompetent to take care of a child as well as his ex girlfriend they both are some what mentally unable but we didn't feel that it was a good situation at the time (or any at that) well wish me luck and lots of Baby dust!)